
Mexican Recipe: Salsa Verde

This is my all-time favorite salsa recipe! I use salsa with chips (totopos), on eggs, vegetables, with meats and to accompany any Mexican flavored dishes. A dear friend of mine shared this recipe with me, and I hope she does not mind me passing it along!

6 green tomatoes (tomatillos), cut in half
1 serrano chile or one small jalapeno
2 cloves of garlic
½ bunch of fresh cilantro


Peel the tomatoes (just the leaves/husk that covers them from outside).

In a large non-stick pan, place the chile and the tomatoes, and grill until softened (do not add oil of any type); keep them moving if they appear to brown too much.

In a blender, mix the tomatoes, chile, cilantro, garlic and salt. Add a little bit of water to aid in the blending until it reaches your desired consistency.

Ready to serve!

As an alternative, you can add this mixture to a lightly oiled pan (canola or grapeseed oil is best) and heat until the salsa changes colour. This adds an extra level of flavor to the salsa.

Muy bien!


Lar_Mar said...

Tell your friend that it's a great receipe! very delicious!

Anonymous said...

what if u dont have a blender?

K said...

Sorry for the delay in responding - you can always use a mortar or, if you don't mind a very coarse salsa, the back of a fork will pull everything apart nicely.

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