A simple pleasure in life - chocolate

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Labels: Around Town
Sugar and spice and everything nice

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Labels: Smells
Weekend Drinks
Well, it is the weekend and I promised to share with you my fool-proof recipe for Sangria! There is nothing more welcoming during the summer months than sitting on the deck, enjoying the warm weather with a glass of Sangria and a few tapas!
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Labels: recipe
We have apples...almost!
I couldn't wait to get home last night - there in our backyard was our newly planted Goodland apple tree! (Thank you David!) I have always wanted an apple tree - or any fruit-bearing tree to be honest. Growing up in Newfoundland doesn't give you the experience of picking your own fruit from trees in your garden.
Last year my dear husband finally agreed to plant an apple tree, but we had a problem: we live in a new subdivision where apple trees are non-existent. The solution was to purchase a hybrid tree - this is basically an apple tree with branches from different varieties of apples grafted on the trunk, hence pollinating itself. Brilliant! I guess everyone else had the same idea, and about a week earlier than me. But this year I was determined, prepared and blessed to uncover a neighbour a few houses away that had planted not one, but five apple trees!! FIVE!!
I sourced several different tree farms and nurseries around town, determined not to purchase what looked like a broken off branch planted in a small container, but an actual tree with some substance - I did want to enjoy eating these apples in my lifetime. And now that pollination was close at hand, I had options for a larger tree and a specific variety. After much research about the type of apple produced, texture of the product, when to harvest, what the apple could be used for (ornamental, eating, baking, etc) and how long it could be stored, I came up with the Goodland or Honeycrisp apple. Both apples are great to eat or use in baking, they are crisp, sweet and juicy and have a long storage period after harvest. Now to find the tree...
We came across Greenland Garden Centre in Sherwood Park. A little more expensive, but a fantastic selection of branches and whole trees! The place is huge, and almost reminded me of a vacation retreat instead of a store - as far as the eye can see, through pathways and natural landscapes you can view their wares. Although I thought it was a bit odd to sell shoes and jewellery at a nursery (focus, people) we were absolutely impressed by the knowledgeable, courteous and even eager-to-help staff.
Best of all, become a member and receive extras discounts for all your gardening needs! If you are looking for that special something to add to your garden as well as some further education on the topic, I highly recommend a drive to Greenland. Be warned, weekends are a bit crazy! For now, my daughter and I will check our tree daily for signs of our fall treats!
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Labels: Garden
Our slice of Paradise

I cannot put into adequate words how special this part of Mexico is to our family. Today, I would like to briefly introduce you to Pueblo Bonito in Los Cabos, and in later blogs, highlight the best of Cabo.
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Labels: Inspirations
Mmmmmmm bakeries.....

Looking for authentic European cakes, try The Artistic Bake Shop on Calgary Trail.
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Labels: Around Town
The Search for the Perfect Cupcake
Of course, to love cupcakes is to amplify this experience tenfold, and I am in trouble - not only do I love sweets, I have a daughter that hasn't fallen far from the tree! We have made it our civic duty to taste test every cupcake in every shoppe in this fair city! Don't get me wrong, this is no easy task! Yes, the cupcake looks like a simple treat, but there are many properties which have to align to make them worthy to consume. First, the cake: is it dry or moist, too delicate to hold the heavy mound on icing on top or it crumbles from the action of removing the cake from it's wrapper? And then there is the icing: too sweet, too bitter, too buttery or even a taste of petroleum in the mouth (trust me). Many problems exist when creating the perfect cupcake.
We have a selection of shoppes to choose from in Edmonton: Fuss, Flirt, The Cupcake Shoppe, Whimsical, Babycakes and now in Sherwood Park, Hey Cupcake. And unfortunately, my vote goes to hopping in the car and driving south to Calgary for CRAVE cupcakes!
Over the years Crave has perfected the art of the cupcake - a beautifully moist cake (most of the time) with a great assortment of flavours from mint, lemon/lime, strawberry, coconut and chocolate AND all natural flavours! The icing is fantastic - not too sweet, not too buttery and no chemical taste, only a rich and flavourful butter cream icing with fruit purees mixed in. If we have to select a cupcake store in Edmonton, my daughter points towards Whyte Avenue to Flirt or the Strathcona Farmers Market.
However, on Saturday we made the trek to Sherwood Park and my daughter fell in love with Hey Cupcake's peanut butter cupcake. Not only is the icing an intense peanut butter flavour, but the cake is made with peanut butter and chunks of chocolate chips! We found the cupcakes to work well when consumed right away, but the few that were brought home for dessert where heavy and dry by the time the BBQ was done.
If you like to travel with your stomach, the big cities of Chicago, LA and of course, NYC have a multitude of bakeries to pack on some extra pounds! Last year in New York I dragged my dear husband through Rockefeller's Square to the famous Magnolia Bakery - ( http://www.magnoliabakery.com/ ) line-up for cupcakes, yes. Worth it, not really. Very disappointing. Icing too sweet, cake too dry. Maybe the baker was off that day....
I am secretly hoping my travels take me to L.A., so I can experience the cakes of Sprinkles, the landmark cupcake shoppe in Beverly Hills.
For now, the next adventure is Treacle, in London, England. Only open on a Sunday (thankfully we land on Sunday morning) and the most popular bakery in England! If the Brits can do anything in the culinary world, it's cakes and sweets!
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Labels: Around Town
I saw this in the window and couldn't resist....
Ikea has a great selection for my daughter's room, and I found some standardized length curtains at Urban Barn for our guest room.
My recent find has actually been re-discovering Restoration Hardware. Formally just in the US and very expensive to order from, they are now a stones throw away in Calgary! They have a large selection of beautiful drapery and classic, clean designed hardware. The best part: free samples! With a wide selection of colours and patterns, you too can find the perfect shade to match those green eyes :-)
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Labels: Inspirations
DO - Try Something New
May 14th, 5pm road test for motorcycle license. BARELY passed. At least, that's what the instructor told me. Accompanying that phrase were multiple "you drive too slow" comments - who knew? Lead foot in an SUV, granny on a Vespa.
Today - I am enjoying the bright red Vespa (with Union Jacks, courtesy of my British husband) and even conquered the Henday! Give it a try some sunny, warm afternoon. I know you can rent a scooter for the day (no special license required) at Top Gear on Whyte Ave for $25.
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Labels: Inspirations
Wellness? It's just a few blocks west on Jasper Ave
Last August I came across a Pilates Studio in downtown Edmonton - at the Corona Station in First Edmonton Place - Body Beyond Pilates http://www.pilatesbodybeyond.com/ It took me a few weeks to speak with the owner, but so glad I did! I am a believer! For the first time in my life, I am actually prioritizing going to a SCHEDULED fitness class and guess what? No more doctors or chiropractors. It's like receiving penance: it has been eight months since my last appointment!
If anyone is looking to increase their general wellbeing, get into shape or get out of pain, I strongly suggest meeting the owner, Tara Burry. Tara is a very matter-of-fact individual and truly devoted to your goals. She took one look at me and said "ah, yeah, we need to correct a few things". Tara is focused on the total package, as well as getting rid of some "unwanted accumulation" AND, at a reasonable pace, always keeping your "well" being in mind. Not only that, you leave your appointment energized (no, you really do) and after the initial shock of working muscles that have NEVER been worked before, you come back for more! I am hooked. She is my Shaman. Thanks Tara!
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Labels: Wellness
Welcome to The Goods!
Welcome to The Goods - a blog to share with you some of the best tips I have come across in all things travel, food, wellness and an abundance of trivial things that, you never know, could come in handy someday! I realized just how much time I spend researching to find the best vacation, piece of furniture or Asian restaurant, and figured this blog could be very useful to share for those in search of similar things!
I was inspired to start a blog after a friend shared with me her daughter's design blog http://polishedplum.blogspot.com/ This is a great, all-around information site on all things design - Jenna has a fantastic eye and loves quality and classic lines.
I hope that you can also point me in the direction of some of your favorite spots or great tips. Let your time and energy be consumed by slowing down and enjoying life!
I hope you enjoy The Goods.... Pass it on to a friend, or two.
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