Simple pleasures. Chocolate. What a wonderful thing, a fabulous word - it rolls off your tongue and instantly a smile is on your face and contentment is yours. Right?
Chocolate has a rich story behind it, and over the years I have realized it is as complex and varied in nature as wine or coffee. Some people spend years learning the intricacies between foods from different regions: how it's grown, processed and even how the soil and temperature react to create a unique product. Truth be known, the same is true for chocolate. You can experience not only chocolate from different areas of the world like the Caribbean, Mexico, Ecuador, Madagascar and more, but the percentages of cocoa, the processes and what additives make the final product, will alter the mighty cocoa bean's flavour and texture dramatically.
It's simply a joy for food lovers to chat with professionals who spend there life dedicated to their art: be it French cuisine, regional Italian foods, sommeliers, bakers or chocolatiers. When you come across those with a true passion for what they do and pride in what they produce, you typically find an enthusiastic individual who also wants to share this insight, educate and let you taste a slice of what they love. Why? In hope it is contagious. Thankfully for us in Edmonton, we have such a confections shop in Sweet Lollapalooza.
Come and spend some time in this divine chocolate boutique! You will not only consume yourself with wonderful samples enthusiastically shared by both employees and the creator, but receive a warm welcome and eagerness to share their knowledge. If you have a question about chocolate, what goes best with what, or how to use ingredients to bring out the best results, Brett and his staff cheerfully and confidently offer their experience and preferences.
The cornerstone product of this boutique has to be the buttercrunch - a sandwich of decadent buttercrunch flanked with creamy milk chocolate and finished with crushed nuts. This is a favorite of mine for host gifts, family, friends and business associates. You can't go wrong. In fact, the one word that is echoed in response to this product is - addictive. Probably because the texture is so smooth and the buttercruch is full of flavour and not too sugary. My daughter and husband can consume mega quantities!
But don't stop at buttercrunch - there are beautiful handmade chocolates as far as the eye can see, made with the best quality ingredients from exotic teas, mint, orange, cherries and a selection of liqueurs, all scenting a specific type of chocolate that best suits the clever combination of ingredients. Brett does a fantastic job. We are also fans of his Haute Chocolate - I don't think I need to say anymore on that subject. And if you like your chocolate chip cookies dipped in chocolate - look no further.
For those living outside Edmonton, nirvana is still close at hand! You can order your favorite chocolate delights online. Few things are guaranteed in life, but an order from Sweet Lollapalooza will ensure divine chocolates in beautiful wrappings every time.
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