
Great news! More "wellness" on the way!

Well, the search for "a new look" for this blog is still ongoing (can you believe you have to wait in a virtual queue for your turn), though I am happy to announce that the Wellness pillar of the blog will be evolving with (I hope) a returning guest blogger that happens to be a master pilates instructor!  Tara Burry, my pilates and overall wellness guru, will be writing articles now and again to highlight some great exercises to add to your regimen and give you a taste of what pilates has to offer. 

Not just an exercise of choice, pilates is a complete wellness package, assisting with recovery from injury, helping ease health issues, getting into shape and learning to move your body to avoid future injury - and that's just the beginning!

If you have any questions for the Master, please send them through the comments section below and I will ask Tara to respond to them. 

In the meantime, check out her website if you are interested in speaking with or meeting Tara.  Also, for us downtown rats, she is perfectly situated on Jasper Avenue!

Thanks Tara!!



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