
What a difference an "E" makes

The English Language is a wonderful and complex thing.  One addition or subtraction of a single letter and the meaning changes forever.  An oversight on editing, a relationship too dependant on spell check or a Freudian Slip - you be the judge.  I just had to share this laugh with you....

My blog last week with Tara Burry on Tummy Blasters had five great exercises with pictures and descriptions, unfortunately, I had too many "e"s left in my fingers and dropped an extra one in the most unfortunate place!  What SHOULD HAVE read as

"Lie on your mat with your legs at a 45 degree angle with your arms extended to the side"

Was posted for several days as:

"Lie on your mate with your legs at a 45 degree angle with your arms extended to the side"

Oh dear.  :-)


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