
Wellness: 5 Tummy Toner Exercises

Welcome to Tara Burry!  Master Pilates Trainer, my personal wellness guru and just one awesome lady!  This is the first of many wellness installments where Tara has agreed to impart her knowledge and expertise to the readers of THE GOODS, and spread the word about Pilates as both an exercise routine as well as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Today, Tara shows us how to work those stomachs into shape with 5 great moves that need only you and a comfortable mat!  I'd love to get your feedback on these articles and feel free to send any questions to our first expert-in-residence directly through THE GOODS comment section!

Have fun!

The Pilates method was developed by Joseph H. Pilates almost 100 years ago. It is an effective body conditioning system which focuses on improving flexibility and overall body strength without building bulk. Some 500 exercises were created to bring mind and the body together into flowing movements without stress to provide a most effective conditioning program!

Performed on specifically designed pilates equipment or practised through movements adapted for floor exercises, pilates is a great method to add to your routine!  Most people who walk into a Pilates studio want to either improve some area of their body, their overall conditioning or flexibility.  Here are five great exercises you can do at home to get your tummy in great, toned condition!


To start, lie on your mat with your arms at your side.

Movement:  Curl your head and shoulders off the mat, and place your arms about 6-8" off the mat.  Now, lightly pump your arms (about a 3" distance) up and down in time with inhaling for 5 pumps and exhaling for 5 pumps.  Repeat the counting until your reach one hundred.  In other words, ten sets of ten breaths!

Things to keep in mind: make sure your pelvis stays in a neutral position, neck and shoulders are relaxed, and extend your arms and legs away from your body.

As a variation on the basic hundereds position, you can straighten your legs to increase your workout and your results!


To start, lie on your mat with your arms extended in front of you.  Don't forget to flex your feet!

Movement: slowly curl your head off the mat and roll up through the spine until your arms touch your toes.  Then reverse the motion and roll back down until your head is back on the mat in the original start position.  Repeat this 6 to 10 times.

Things to keep in mind: Think of peeling your spine up from the floor, one vertebra at a time.  Also as you move through the position,  bring your torso up and over your legs until you reach your toes, then roll back down one vertebra at a time.


To start, lie flat on your mat and bring your right knee to your chest (do not pull it with your arms, use your body).  Place your left hand on the right knee while your right hand is on the right ankle.  Now, lift the extended leg sightly off the ground and lift your head and shoulders off the ground to move them in closer to your body.

Movement:  Slowly move your body to alter the start movement to the opposite side of your body.  Now, the left knee is into the chest and right leg is extended.  Repeat this 8 - 10 times.

Things to keep in mind: Keep your torso still throughout this movement!


To start, lie flat on the mat and bring both knees to the chest, curl up your head and shoulders and place arms to the side of your body.

Movement:  Take a deep breathe and stretch both legs to a 45 degree angle and reach your arms to the ceiling.  Exhale and bring knees back to the chest and arms return to the side.  Repeat this motion 6 - 10 times.

Things to keep in mind: keep your shoulder down throughout the movement.


To start, lie on your mat with your legs at a 45 degree angle with your arms extended to the side.

Movement: Slowly roll up your body and lifting your arms for your fingers to reach towards your toes.  Repeat 5 - 10 times.

Things to keep in mind: Keep your neck and shoulders relaxed, always reach long with your legs and arms.

That's it!  Congratulations on completing your first of hopefully many pilates routines!  If you'd like to experience a full workout with Tara, have an assessment or try out pilates on the reformer machine, give Tara a call and tell her you got THE GOODS!

Suite 101, First Edmonton Place
10665 Jasper Avenue (at the Corona Station)
Edmonton, Alberta


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